Frequent questions

You must enter the “REGISTRATIONS” button, to then access the official registration platform

Yes, the event will have clean points and recycling of as many products as possible, thereby reducing their delivery.

We recommend you fly to the Puerto Natales airport or the Punta Arenas airport, the latter being the one with the highest frequency of flights. From Punta Arenas, you can take buses to Puerto Natales, which take approximately 180 minutes.

Yes, we have shuttle buses for all competitors, which are the only official means of transportation to the park and the respective competition games.

50k, 42k, 21k, 10k and 5k.

Yes, the hydration points are refills for hydration systems (backpack, bottle, etc.), there are no glasses or bottles contemplated to “take from the hydration point en route.” This is due to the current regulations of the national park, with the purpose of keeping it clean.

Yes, we will have vegetarian food options at the festival.

You can find this information on the website, career section.

The event is a marathon, it is run along the vehicular path of the Torres del Paine National Park, mainly on a gravel surface, with calamine (small unevenness) and loose stones. 

It is important to consider that the surface on which PRF runs is almost entirely firm terrain, gravel type (compact but with loose sand in some sections and in others with calamine); For this reason, the shoe, in addition to being comfortable, must have good grip, good cushioning and ideally not too low or thin since the stones on the road are felt in parts of the circuit. 

The weather is unpredictable, subject to constant changes during the same day, so we recommend you bring windproof clothing, water and shelter, as well as for a sunny day.

Appropriate clothing for running, according to your preference, but always considering the climate factor. Trail running shoes ideally, which allow you to run on gravel (stone) roads.

It is a self-sufficiency race, that is, you must have all the necessary equipment to supply yourself with hydration en route, whether it is a bottle or backpack.

Sunscreen and glasses are recommended.

The race will be organized in categories of women and men, who will be grouped into categories by age ranges (age reached on the date of the event), for distances of 5k -10K – 21K – 42K – 50K.

  • 18 to 29 years old (includes minor participants in the 10 km).
  • 30 to 39 years old.
  • 40 to 49 years.
  • 50 to 59 years old.
  • 60 to 69 years old.
  • 70 and more years old.
  • The minimum age to run the 42k-50k event is 18 years old (turned on the date of the event).
  • The minimum age to run the 10k-21k event is 16 years old (turned on the date of the event).
  • The minimum age to run the 5k event is 14 years old (turned on the date of the event).

There are two alternatives to get to Torres del Paine, the main one is through the Punta Arenas airport, which operates all year round with three different airlines, several destinations and at least three daily flights per airline. Once in Punta Arenas you can rent a car, book a transfer service or buy a bus ticket to go to Puerto Natales, it is a trip of approximately 3 hours. Puerto Natales is the closest city to the Torres del Paine National Park, it is about 1 hour and 30 minutes away. 

On the other hand, the fastest way to get to Torres del Paine is by taking a flight from Santiago to Puerto Natales that lasts approximately 3 hours. In September, 1 airline is expected to be operating but with a medium frequency, that is, 1 daily flights. with flights every other day. 

We inform you that, currently, we do not have availability at the río serrano Hotel + Spa (base camp and finish line) since all rooms are reserved. It is possible that some rooms become available in the month of August, and in that case, we will announce it in due course. In addition, we are collaborating with other hotels in the area to offer accommodation alternatives to runners. If you're planning to make a reservation soon, we suggest considering options at Villa Serrano.

Accommodation options in Villa Serrano include:

  • Pampa Lodge
  • Hotel del Paine
  • Kau Rio Serrano
  • Morena Lodge
  • Konkahken Lodge
  • Hostería Lago del Toro
  • Cabañas Tyndall

In addition, there are accommodation options in Torres del Paine and Puerto Natales. We recommend you explore online booking platforms such as Booking, Expedia, TripAdvisor, among others, to find the accommodation option that fits your budget and expectations. We are available to provide you with more information or help you with whatever you need. 

If you have questions, write to us at

  • Runner Chip and Number
  • Sublimated technical t-shirt
  • Technical bag
  • wardrobe etiquette
  • Torres del Paine National Park access on race day.
  • Sponsor Gifts
  • Festival access and recovery area
  • Approach bus (round trip) to the race

Yes, we will have a cloakroom at the starting points, which you can pick up at the hotel once the race is over. All the clothing that you deliver to the cloakroom must be inside a bag measuring approximately 40x60 cm, which will be delivered to you in the competitor's kit. Delivery will be made in the same buses.

No this ABSOLUTELY prohibited Entering in private vehicles for the start of the race, you must take the official approach bus provided by the organization.

Rules available on the event website, which may change constantly.

Since the base camp is located outside the national park, competitors may be accompanied by family members who must arrive in their private vehicles and may be located in the base camp area until the race ends.

The registration payment is not refundable before or after September 21, 2024. In addition, it is not transferable and cannot be used in other events, whether they are the PATAGONIA RUNNING FESTIVAL or others organized by The Massif.